Code Lyoko Wiki
Code Lyoko Wiki

The Krab is one of XANA's most successful and tactical monsters he's created. The Krab takes the appearance of a red coloured Crab from earth, with four long, scythe-like legs, which can be used to walk along walls. The Eye of XANA is located on it's back, making it a difficult target to hit, though the eye is large.

Krabs often work independantly of eachother, but will team up in difficult spots. Krabs are excellent shots, making them quite problematic for the team.

Krabs come with 3 seperate weapons. It's main weapon consists of a tri-laser, which charges a laser from 3 locations on it's face into one concentrated beam, though any one of the three can be used independantly, meaning that the Krab can rapidly fire lasers at it's enemies. The Krab also utilises it's sharp legs to attack enemies, and the Krab also uses a powerful pulse-generating weapon.

Krabs are one of the only two monsters XANA has sent into the real world, though their size meant that they destroyed the Scanners in the process of exiting Lyoko.
